Muktamar Masjid-masjid Negeri Sarawak 2013M/1434H

Pengerusi  Hajjah Norhayati Abdullah Lau  dan Mohd Ruslan mewakili Surau Nur Islam MACMA Bintulu untuk menghadiri  Muktamar Masjid-Masjid Negeri Sarawak 2013M / 1434H pada  23 - 25/10/2013 di Kuching sempena sambutan 50 tahun Sarawak Merdeka dalam Malaysia.
Muktamar dirasmikan oleh Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud dan Majlis Penututpan oleh YB. IR. Datuk Haji Daud bin Abdul Rahman.

YB IR. Datuk Haji Daud bin Abdul Rahman said there are 3 important aspects that are Education, Economics and 'Waqaf' which will lead to the success of a mosque as a center for Muslim Unity in the state in line with the 'Mukim' concept introduced by Chief Minister Sarawak, Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud. During the clossing Mustamar gathering, YB IR Datuk Haji Daud bin Abdul Rahman wanted to see all the mosques and surau in the state to be proactive in the activities and programmes in order to strenghten the Muslim communities.

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