Chinese New Year Gathering 2014

Tazkirah oleh Ustaz Wahab Sallahuddin Ling dari JAIS Kuching.

Persembahan Qasidah dari Institut Tahfiz Bintulu (ITB), Hidayah. 

Several children were presented with angpows. 

9 February 2014

Malaysian Chinese Muslim Assiociation(MACMA) Bintulu Branch organised a special Chinese New Year gathering at Surau Nur Islam. Around 150 people including officers from Bintulu Islamic Religious Department were present at the gathering. The event began with Maghrib prayers, followed by a tazkirah which was talked by Ustaz Wahab Sallahuddin Ling from JAIS Kuching and then Isyak prayers. They were then treated to a sumptuous meal. Several children were presented with angpows by chairperson, Hajjah Norhayati Abdullah Lau. 

'This is our annual event aimed at fostering greater rapport and unity among Muslims and MACMA members in particular, apart from strengthening our faith in Islam.' she said. 

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