- Pada waktu petang, Majlis Tahlil untuk arwah Haji Ibrahim, suami kepada Pengerusi MACMA Btu, Pn. Hajjah Norhayati diadakan di teratak Pengerusi MACMA Bintulu.
- Solat berjemaah Maghrib and Isyak followed by Yassin recitation and Tazkirah.
- Tazkirah was presented by Ustaz Zakir.
3 March 2018 (10am)
- 4 NGO'S Collaboration to organize CNY Gathering regardless of any religions.
- IIC Kuching collaborated with FORCA, Hidayah Centre and MACMA Bintulu to organize the programme by inviting Muslim and non-muslim, for instances Christian, Buddha and Muslim.
- Macma Bintulu invited Perpikat Bintulu. Angpaus and mandarin oranges were given and sponsored by Hajjah Norhayati (Chairlady MACMA Bintulu) and Danish Chiong(MACMA Treasurer).
- District Officer, Encik Mataip bin Sayu, represented YB Datuk Talib Zulpilip to give angpaus.
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